• Honey Thyme

Honey Thyme


Pure Greek thyme honey from Melissaki. Thyme honey is produced from thyme nectar, which bees collect and turn into honey.

  • Features
  • Matches with
Crystallization 3-4 μήνες στη αρχική του μορφή
Flavor Γλυκιά γεύση
Scent Έντονο, ξεχωριστό άρωμα με μεγάλη διάρκεια
Collection Place Λευκάδα
Category Μέλι Ανθέων
  • Dressing for salads
  • Material for recipes
  • Sweets and desserts
  • Decoctions
  • Drinks

How to decrystallize honey in simple steps:


We heat water to a temperature of 40oC and place it in a deep vessel.


We place the container with the honey in the hot water and leave it for a few minutes.


If necessary, repeat the process again until the honey returns to its original state.